Thursday, February 27, 2003

What do you get beyond e-mail and threaded discussions with Groove and PopG?

1. The collaborating for productivity supremacy of Groove + PopG is its teamwork platform that offers the full collection of over 30 Groove + PopG technology tools for a team's methodology tabs. All the tabs are designed by the team, in one or more team constructed spaces. In addition Groove + PopG permits users to bundle as many technology tools and methodology tabs into the same-shared space as the team requires.

2. This brings the power of a collaborating for productivity team into play by having at hand and at all times the most useful tool and tab needed, with the latest version of what's in every tab whether entered online or if entered offline it's fully synced to the rest of the team online without human intervention just seconds after the "updater" goes online. The updated tabs and files are always flagged by a yellow marker for every team member except the "updater", so the question "where is" or "who has" the latest version never needs to be asked.

3. Furthermore, the combining of Groove + PopG asynchronous and synchronous technologies, plus Outlook eMail integration, instant messaging and chat in every shared space is also a unique collaborating feature.

4. As a closer PopG then offers its exclusive PopCollaborating space sharing, screen sharing and mouse sharing technology built on top of PopG for remote presentations, remote training, remote support-coaching and remote real-time collaborating within MindManager (front-end brainstorming and project dimension), TeamDirection Projects (project management), Co-Present through firewalls, Word, PowerPoint, GXL (Excel within Groove), plus their Mac, Sun's StarOffice and other Unix equivalents.


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