Friday, August 13, 2004

posted by Andy Swarbrick/PopG at 3:34

Thursday, August 12, 2004

posted by Andy Swarbrick/PopG at 17:49

posted by Andy Swarbrick/PopG at 10:23

Sunday, August 08, 2004

posted by Andy Swarbrick/PopG at 4:37

Hello & I'm back. I had intended to blog my way through my holidays. After all I was visiting the Y.M.C.A. in Swansea and paying my £2 per hour in their Internet Cafe facility to keep-a-groovin, so why not keep-a-bloggin. Well after all it was a holiday and as much as I would like to do everything relaxation took the next priority over critical issues. And I am sorry this blog just went on down & down the priority queues...

So it does raise the question, where does blogging sit in one's priorities in life? Is it a "job" that one does. Is it an obligation that is to be fulfilled at all costs? For most there are a range of reasons around communication. For me, and I guess most bloggers it is partly a self-communication. By that I mean a recording of my thoughts for my own self-gratification, for my self-satisfaction.

I enjoy reading my own blog. I am proud when I say something that means something - to me. yes, I am also proud when I say something that resonates with others outside my own brain. But think of it this way - why do you give someone a present? I suggest the primary answer is because you enjoy it: not because the other person enjoys receiving a present. That is a secondary benefit.

Also I know that if I wrote such thoughts in my personal diary - it would never happen. I am too lazy to write privately. I write soley for others.

So I write only for myself, and yet I write only for others. Is this yet another of life's little paradoxes?